GitHub Star Exchange

Get GitHub stars ⭐ for free
Star projects of other members to give back

  • Log in with GitHub

  • Select Your Repo

    Choose project to promote.
  • Earn Stars

    You start with 5 stars to receive from others.
  • Give to Get

    To earn stars, give stars to other repositories.

Promote your open-source projects effortlessly

By connecting your GitHub profile, you can share your repositories with a community of like-minded developers. Get the exposure your work deserves and invite others to contribute.

Increase your project's visibility and reputation

Stars and feedback are powerful indicators of a project's quality and relevance. With more stars, you demonstrate the value and impact of your work to both peers and potential employers.

Attract attention from employers and collaborators StarStarStarStarStar

Your GitHub profile is often the first impression others have of your skills. A strong project portfolio with active contributions and positive feedback can open doors to new career opportunities.

Learn by exploring other developers' code

Discover different approaches to coding, best practices, and new ideas by browsing the work of other developers. As you engage, you'll build meaningful connections with professionals who share your interests.

Grow your network and give back to the community

As you provide feedback and give stars to others, you encourage them to support your projects in return. By fostering these connections, your profile and reputation will naturally expand.